
Download the new version for iphoneRogue One: A Star Wars Story
Download the new version for iphoneRogue One: A Star Wars Story

( Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy's script even retro-engineers an answer to the question of why the Galactic Empire would build a super-weapon that could be vaporized with a single well-placed shot.) "Rogue One" is a letdown in other areas, and there are creative decisions so ill-conceived they take you out of the story. But it also bridges the fairy-tale despair of the prequels to the rah-rah idealism of the original trilogy, spackling decades-old logic holes as it goes along. It culminates in a thunderous final act that weaves together the most impressive space battle in the series with a prolonged ground assault on an Imperial fortress in which casualties have both physical and emotional weight (which is something " Star Wars" was never big on). This film about a band of misfits stealing the plans to the first Death Star is that kind of work.

download the new version for iphoneRogue One: A Star Wars Story

Early trailers for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" promised a work in the vein of "The Bridge on the River Kwai," " The Magnificent Seven" and " The Dirty Dozen"-impossible mission movies that weren't afraid to kill off the vivid characters they created.

Download the new version for iphoneRogue One: A Star Wars Story